If you’re feeling stuck in your exercise routine, we have a few tips to help you get a little pep back in your step. What might surprise you is that much of what will help you succeed happens before you hit the gym.
Hydrate before doing ANYTHING else
We are big fans of filling our SWW® water bottles the night before and leaving them on the bedside table. Get up and sip your water before you get out of bed so you can start your day by checking a healthy habit off the list. Quenching your body rehydrates you, helps flush out any toxins built up overnight, and aids digestion, metabolism, and mental clarity.
Alkalize THEN coffee
The order of operations matters here. Grab your SWW® Alkalize or warm water with lemon to start the alkalizing process. This small thing will help you balance your body's pH and improve your digestion. Once you’ve alkalized, your body will be better equipped to handle caffeine so you can enjoy that cup of joe confidently.
Hit the gym in the AM
We suggest doing this for a variety of reasons. Get your daily dose of movement before your day can derail your evening workout plans (last-minute plans, staying late at work, kid activities, or simply losing motivation). Other than the logistics of it all, cortisol is naturally highest at this time, making your body more efficient at tapping into your glycogen (for glucose) and fat stores for energy. It’s a great way to set yourself up for the day with improved mental clarity + a boost of endorphins to energize you for whatever you have planned.
Refuel with a SWW® Smoothie
Making sure you feed your body something packed with nutrients post-workout is key. We suggest one of our protein-packed smoothies to get everything you need to fuel those muscles in a simple, time-efficient way.
Make a plan
Spend a little time prioritizing your well-being by developing a plan. All of our suggestions are a great wireframe to get you started. Fill in the spaces by scheduling workouts you love, stocking the fridge with everything you need to make that AM smoothie, and celebrating all the little wins (even if it’s alkalizing every day for a week). Small changes add up over time and result in big wins.