The SWW® A/B Workout Program

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With a customized Peloton workout schedule

We hear this all the time–I'm working out like crazy and not seeing the results I want. 

Our robust 4-week program was created by Sarah Wragge and our team of NASM-certified personal trainers to help you get the results you want out of your workouts. We have chosen the best and most effective Peloton online classes to get you to your goal. Use The SWW® A/B workout strategy, our pre and post-workout fuel nutrition guide, and our proven tips and tricks for getting your body in shape.

All you have to do is click on the link and our weekly guide takes you straight to your class. All you need to do is show up.


  • 30-Day Access to The SWW Method® Online Program
  • SWW® SWW® A/B Workout Guide Book
  • FREE SWW® White Water Bottle
SWW® Client Services Agreement
Sarah Wragge Running
The SWW® A/B Workout Program
The SWW® A/B Workout Program
SWW® Restore Minerals - Exercise Recovery Minerals

Designed For All Fitness Levels

Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced, this program will help you get the results you're looking for.

The SWW® Consultation - Learn The SWW Method®

It doesn't stop with workouts

During your 30 day program you'll also be granted exclusive access to our SWW Method® Online Course that teaches you how to burn fat, conquer cravings, stay full all day, and eat for endless energy.


"This program was so easy to follow. I love the fact that it not only gave me a workout plan but I was also able to learn the foundation of The SWW Method® and update my daily routines."

"I needed a program that helped me loose some weight before my wedding. This was the perfect combo of workout & nutrition education."

"30 days in and I've already lost 10 pounds. 10/10 recommend."

"The workout plan was super easy to follow and I loved the extra educational materials I received with the SWW Method™ Online Course."


What do I get with this program?
  • This program comes with a workbook explaining the difference between A and B workouts and the importance of incorporating both.
  • You will get a 4-week schedule with 6 suggested classes per week plus an additional list of 10 A workouts and 10 B workouts that you can switch in and out. We've designed this program to simplify your fitness journey—just click on the day and follow the workout link. However, we understand that everyone's schedule and energy levels vary, so feel empowered to customize it based on your needs. Remember, your results are directly related to your effort and commitment.
  • You will receive access to our SWW Method ™ online course that uses Sarah Wragge's innovative (and effective) proprietary approach to nutrition teaching you how to burn fat, conquer cravings, stay full all day and eat for endless energy
How do I access The SWW A/B Workout Program?

Once the purchase is complete an email will be sent with access to the SWW® platform. All program material will be on this platform.

How will I be given access to Peloton?

You will need to log in at and sign up for an account or if you're already a member use your existing account.

Can I do this program while pregnant or breastfeeding?

While we encourage maintaining physical activity during pregnancy and breastfeeding, we strongly recommend consulting your physician before initiating any fitness regimen.

Can I customize the workout schedule to fit my fitness level?

Of course, this is your workout, but we do suggest you try the classes our trainers chose first to get a full breadth of the class offerings, instructors, and levels of intensity.

Is this workout schedule suitable for beginners?

We offer both a beginner and an intermediate/advanced program. Choose the program that best suits you and your current fitness level and needs.

How long are the workout sessions each day?

The length of the workouts vary. If you have less time available then the current day's workout, choose any other scheduled class that better fits your time window and then go back to the days' workout when you do have enough time. We have also provided a list of walk/run workouts. After completing your daily workout, take it a step further with these walk/run audio choices for an energizing cooldown, adding an extra boost to your fitness journey.

What equipment is required for the workouts?

We suggest that you have a few options of dumbbells available from light to medium to heavy for you but they aren't mandatory. Instructors will offer cues and suggestions to do the exercises with body weight only.

Are there any specific warm-up or cool-down routines recommended?

All classes have a quick warm-up and cool down planned into them. We suggest you take a few extra minutes to stretch if needed.

How should I adjust the schedule if I miss a workout day?

Pick right back off where you left off and rearrange your rest day. Go back in for the win!

How does this workout schedule differ from others on the market?

This program is a partnership of a top-rated nutrition company joining forces with one of the hottest workout platforms in the industry. We have combined our expertise to offer a program that offers both expert nutrition and expert fitness from the best in their respective fields.

I love this course but I need more accountability and 1:1 coaching. What do I do?

That is what we are here for. We have many coaches who work with clients 1:1 and many different programs. Please reach out directly to and we can send you more information. 

How long is The SWW® A/B Workout program?

You will have access to this program for 30 days.

What if one of the Peloton workouts is no longer available?

Members of Peloton’s content team are constantly tasked with reviewing all classes and determining which ones should be removed based on popularity, trends, age etc. If you find that a current class is no longer available we ask that you go to the list of options to replace this and contact the SWW team by emailing We will have this class replaced within 24 hours.