Hacking Longevity

Hacking Longevity

Something we all have in common is that we want to live a long, healthy life. Unfortunately, there is no fountain of youth, so we have to find other ways to keep the proverbial “clock” at bay. While genetics and other external factors may not always be in our control, you can do plenty of things to support your health and keep you moving for a long time.

Recently, the British Medical Journal published findings from several compiled studies suggesting a healthy lifestyle could offset the effects of life-shortening genes by 62%. Verifying that it’s not all about your genetics but how you take care of yourself on a daily basis.

We’ve compiled our ten favorite SWW® approved “life hacks” for living a long time.

Remain active: This one may seem like a no-brainer, but the saying “use it or lose it” couldn’t be more accurate. Integrating an exercise or movement routine is paramount to staying healthy, keeping your heart healthy, and maintaining muscle strength. This is due to all of the physiological adaptations that take place in your body, such as a strong heart, better muscle mass, improved blood flow, and adequate oxygen distribution.

Meditate: Mental and physical health directly impact each other. Integrating a meditation practice will allow you to keep yourself calm and centered. We know that mediation can seem daunting, but getting started with programs like the Calm app or Headspace can ease you into it.

Stay Connected: Studies show that loneliness decreases longevity. Cultivating strong, positive relationships can reduce risk factors for developing harmful diseases.

Increase and improve your VO2 max: Focusing on increasing endurance during cardio and HIIT workouts will strengthen your body’s ability to take in oxygen and efficiently use it. We recommend getting your heart rate to its max, which will be a real asset to your health.

Don’t skimp on the protein: Aging will naturally cause your muscles to atrophy, so getting your protein in is vital to maintaining muscle health. We recommend consuming at least 0.8 grams of protein for every pound of your body weight.

Limit alcohol: We aren’t saying you can’t enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail but do so mindfully. Outside of pleasure, alcohol does nothing to improve your health and can cause liver and brain damage when consumed excessively. Choosing when, what, and how much you drink will set you up for success in the long run.

Say no to smoking: Be it vaping or cigarettes, this type of habit does not serve you. Smoking accelerates aging, causes tissue damage as well as increases your risk for cancer.

Moderate stress: Stress is the leading cause of heart disease. Implementing routines in your day to lower your anxiety is crucial. Doing simple things like limiting caffeine intake, taking SWW® Restore Minerals before bed, and reducing screen time in the evening will all make a huge difference.

Eat an antioxidant-rich diet: by consuming antioxidants, you are battling inflammation. Make sure to eat colorful foods like berries and leafy greens every day.

Get more sleep: Sleep is necessary for ensuring physical and mental recovery. Without sleep, our muscles don’t fully recover, our brains don’t form new memories, and we are never able to rest fully.