Clean Beauty Swaps

Clean Beauty Swaps

With the influx of chemicals in our food, water, beauty products, and household cleaners, it seems nearly impossible to live a low-toxin lifestyle. Some of these toxins include pesticides, artificial flavors and colors, phthalates, BPA, and heavy metals. Studies have shown these toxins can disrupt your hormones, microbiome, and have even been associated with an increased risk of cancer. What we put on our body is just as important as what we put in our body, so swapping out some of your beauty products for a toxin-free version may be the missing piece you need to be your healthiest self. So, let’s look at some clean beauty swaps you can make so you can live as low-tox as possible!

Body Wash

Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Soap takes the cake for toxin-free body wash. With ingredients like coconut oil, jojoba oil, and essential oils, this body wash is as clean as it gets. Say goodbye to synthetic fragrances and parabens, and hello to an all-natural alternative. Not only does this soap serve as a body and face wash, but can also be used as an all-purpose cleaner, laundry detergent, fruit and veggie wash, and is even safe enough to use on your pets! 


Most self-tanners contain dihydroxyacetone, which has been linked to free radical damage to the skin. Beauty by Earth is a clean alternative if you still want that summer tan without the cost of toxins. Beauty by Earth is a plan based self-tanner free of dyes, synthetic fragrances, parabens, or filler. So, stay glowing all year long, from the inside and out with this all-natural self-tanner. 

Skin Care

Your skin is your largest organ, so why are we not treating it like such? Your skin absorbs everything you put onto it, so it deserves toxin-free products too! That’s where Cocokind comes into play. Facewash, serums, lotion, chap stick, Cocokind has it all. This brand is cruelty free, vegan, and contains all natural ingredients such as coconut oil and shea butter. My personal favorite is the Matcha all-over moisturizer stick, made with real matcha tea powder!


Most deodorants are made with aluminum as an antiperspirant, which has been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease. If you want to avoid the sweat and toxins, opt for Primally Pure. Primally Pure is made with simple, organic ingredients that are 100% natural and safe. Free of aluminum, talc, parabens, and fragrances, you can guarantee this deodorant will leave you smelling and feeling great. 

