Carbs and Female Health

Carbs and Female Health

One of my pet peeves is how often nutrition education is based on male anatomy. It then applies that information to females, who often have very different nutrition needs. Primarily around carbohydrates and fat. For now, let’s focus on carbs. 

Why are carbs important and why do you need them? 

  • Carbohydrates break down into sugar (glucose), are released into the bloodstream, and provide immediate energy to our cells. This causes a blood sugar spike which leads to insulin release and insulin ensures growth and fat deposition. Although something we want to avoid in excess, this in moderation is still essential. Women need some level of body fat to function properly. 
  • Female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) are sensitive to energy availability. If your body doesn’t believe you are getting enough immediate energy (i.e., carbohydrates) it will start to signal to the brain that you are starving, which can lead to hormonal imbalances and potentially weight gain, low mood, infertility, and an irregular cycle. 
  • During certain stages of your cycle your blood sugar levels tend to be slightly lower (typically the week before your period). During this week you need a little more carbs to have sustained energy during the day. 

What types of carbohydrates are good to include? 

  • You want most of your carbs to be unrefined and unprocessed. 
  • Select from organic fruits and vegetables. We love blueberries, apples, summer squashes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli. 
  • Selecting foods rich in fiber will help meet your carbohydrate needs whilst stabilizing your blood sugar. 

How should I eat my carbs? 

  • Never eat your carbohydrates naked! Always pair them with fat, protein, or fiber. 
  • We love having an apple with some nut butter, cooking sweet potatoes in olive oil, or having a good steak with summer squash. 
  • Reserve carbs for the end of the day (with dinner). 
  • Eat your carbs last. Have them at the end of the meal after filling up on protein and fiber. 

  • Carbohydrates are essential for female hormone balance. Yet, you still want to eat them in moderation and with the above principles to keep your blood sugar in check and your energy stable.